Electronic Records in Ambulances to support the shift to out of hospital care: challenges, opportunities and workforce implications (ERA)

Funding body National Institute for Health Research Health Services and Delivery Research (NIHR HS&DR) Programme https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/programmes/hsdr/144722/#/
Total funding  £380318
  • Dr Alison Porter, Swansea University
  • Prof Niro Siriwardena, CaHRU, University of Lincoln
  • Prof Helen Snooks, Swansea University
  • Dr Bridget Wells, Swansea University
  • Dr Henry Potts, University College London
  • Professor Suzanne Mason, University of Sheffield
  • Professor Jeremy Dale, University of Bristol
  • Mr Robin Lawrenson, Scottish Ambulance Service
  • Mr Robert Harris-Mayes, Service User
  • Professor Ronan Lyons, Swansea University
  • Mrs Sarah Black, South Western Ambulance Services NHS Foundation Trust
  • Mr Richard Whitfield, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust
  • Dr Zoe Morrison, University of Aberdeen
  • Swansea University
  • University of Lincoln
  • University College, London
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Aberdeen
  • East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust
  • South Western Ambulance Services NHS Foundation Trust
  • Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust
Overarching aim The overarching aim is to find out how ambulance services can make the best use of information technology to support staff to provide good quality care out of hospital.
Objectives It is estimated that about 1 in every 160 children has an Autism Spectrum Condition and that between 40-80% have sleep difficulties which have serious implications for the child’s wellbeing.

The objectives of this study are to examine what happens day to day, when paramedics use technology in practice; how the ambulance service as an organisation starts to use new technology and adapts to the changing landscape of care; and at what happens in between, as paramedics respond to this changing environment, learn new skills and change their role and practice.

Methods Semistructured interviews.

Case study of four ambulance services examining how decisions are made about using electronic records and technology, whether and how they are used, what people feel about them, and what difference they have made (or could make) to how paramedics and the service work.

Quantitative analysis of current levels and patterns of usage of electronic records.

Outcomes Our study will help ambulance services understand how to use technology to help improve patient care and outcomes.
Outputs Peer reviewed research and conference presentations.


Porter A, Badshah A, Black S, Fitzpatrick D, Harris-Mayes R, Islam S,Jones M, Kingston M, LaFlamme-Williams Y, Mason S, McNee K, Morgan H, Morrison Z, Mountain P, Potts H, Rees N, Shaw D, Siriwardena N, Snooks H, Spaight R, Williams V. Electronic health records in ambulances: the ERA multiple-methods study. Health Serv Deliv Res 2020; 8(10).

Impact We aim to create impact by using the findings to inform discussions with UK ambulance services about the best way to make use of technology to help paramedics keep people safely at home, where this is appropriate for them.


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