Building an understanding of Ethnic minority people’s Service Use Relating to Emergency care for injuries (BE SURE)

Funding body NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research
Total funding  £737,510.10
  • Dr Ashra Khanom, Swansea University
  • Prof Helen Snooks, Swansea University
  • Dr Alison Porter, Swansea University
  • Prof Ann John, Swansea University
  • Prof Alan Watkins, Swansea University
  • Prof Ronan Lyons, Swansea University
  • Prof Steve Goodacre, Sheffield University
  • Prof Ian Russell, Swansea University
  • Prof Julia Williams, South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
  • Prof Niro Siriwardena, University of Lincoln
  • Dr Bridie Evans, Swansea University
  • Mrs Thanuja Hettiarachchi, PPI representative
  • Mrs Solmaz Safari, PPI representative
  • Swansea University
  • Sheffield University
  • CaHRU, University of Lincoln
  • South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Overarching aim We will describe differences in how people from ethnic minority groups who have an injury contact emergency ambulance services and emergency departments and that happens to them, compared to White British people.
Objectives Our research objectives are to

  1. Describe what is known about ethnic minority people’s use of emergency health services for injury, care received and outcomes.
  2. Describe the quality of ethnicity data in NHS injury datasets.
  3. Compare injury type and severity and processes and outcomes of care for people in ethnic minorities with White British people when they make contact with emergency health services.
  4. Explore with people from ethnic minorities, including asylum seekers and refugees: knowledge of service availability; factors which deter or encourage them to seek help; experiences of and beliefs about emergency healthcare for injuries.
  5. Explore emergency healthcare providers’ experiences of delivering care to people in ethnic minority groups for injury.
  6. Produce findings to improve emergency care for injuries for people in ethnic minority groups.
Methods Multiple methods including scoping review, analysis of routine data, survey, interviews and integration.
Outcomes We will engage with and present findings to policy makers; care providers in ambulance services and EDs  and Third Sector organisations who support ethnic minority groups.
Outputs Peer reviewed publications.

Conference presentations.

Impact The study will help develop and implement interventions to promote accessibility of services for injury in ethnic minority populations, enable ambulance services and EDs to improve care and outcomes for people in these populations with injuries, inform injury surveillance resources where they exist, to include ethnicity.


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